🍁 Falling in love with your fear πŸ‚

Happy fall! Let’s fall in love with your fear. You heard me.

I have had a lot going on recently (hence the lack of communication here). I moved. I produced a dance production triple in size from what I have ever created. All the while still meeting with amazing clients like you and working full-time in recruiting.

The core fear of Type 4 is being without identity, being misunderstood, flawed, and inadequate. Amid all my busyness, I question whether I have an identity with all my work or if my identity is a Picasso painting. Am I flawed in the ways I have been communicating with others? Am I inadequately showing up for people in my circle?

We know the answer is no. I know the answer is no. But I think questioning and leaning into my fear is healthy within moderation. Fear makes us human. Fear makes us alive. Fear keeps us alive. So I encourage you to allow your fear to live within you. You don’t have to give it much water or sunlight. However, it is a necessary root of our life.

Conversations to have with yourself:

What is my biggest fear?

Why do I have that fear?

If I did not have that fear, what would happen?

What would happen if I allow this fear to exist within moderation?

How does this fear keep me alive?

How can I thank my fear for keeping me safe?

It’s thankfulness szn! Let your fear live (just a little). You might even fall in love with it.

If your fear has a grip on you, let’s work together to loosen the grip and unlock your confidence.

Core Fears by Enneagram Type:

Type 1: being bad, corrupt, evil, or wrong

Type 2: being unwanted, unloved, dispensible, replaced

Type 3: failure, being exposed, invaluable, or seen as worthless

Type 4: being defective, mundane, insignificant

Type 5: being incompetent, incapable, or invaded

Type 6: fear itself, being on their own without support or guidance

Type 7: being deprived, trapped in emotional pain, limited, bored

Type 8: being controlled, weak, manipulated, the victim of injustice

Type 9: conflict, being overlooked or dismissed, separated, unaccepted


πŸ›‘ I’m sick of goal setting. 🌌